Course Description

Hey you lovely wellness-fan! 

December 2016 I made a mini-course to raise awareness around the practical solutions for the stress and overwhelm a lot of people experience around the Holidays.

Since for me Christmas is the most magical time of the year, I'd love for others to enjoy it as much as I do! Instead, I often hear people complain about the stress, perceived obligations, and lack of time. 

So between all the Christmas shopping, cooking, running around, working, caring, wishing, and sighing there's not much room left for joy and relaxation. 

And I think that's a pity! So I've come up with a Christmas video series: Stress-FREE X-mas - How to make Christmas a season of giving without giving yourself away.

Kinga de Wit

Kinga de Wit is a psychologist, holistic wellness coach and energy healer. She works with clients who are ready to take ownership for their life. She specializes in helping people overcome hurt, ailments and stress-related issues by guiding them to their true core essence and awakening them to their own power, values, and and leadership. She's also passionate about raising awareness to the messages of our body and our life and to go from Pain to Powerrr. She's convinced, that by becoming more of who we truly are and making conscious decisions, we allow others to step into their greatness as well and create more love and compassion in the world.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to this mini-course!

    • Lesson 1 - Introduction: Celebrating vs Stressing

    • Lesson 2 - Traditions

    • Lesson 3 - Priorities

    • Lesson 4 - Be Mindful

    • Lesson 5 - Raising your Vibrations

    • Lesson 6 - Planning